
Snow Day....

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Today the schools all get a snow day. It's that one time I viscerally miss teaching--- that incredibly liberating, pure-joy feeling of hearing it's a snow day. As a stay-at-home-mama, you just don't get that "Free Day" like that. Ah well... in some ways, that means that every day is a "snow day", right? Permission to stay in jammies, make blanket forts, eat more junk food than usual, etc.? Ha, right.

But today IS still a fully cold, snow-covered day, and with it comes very specific cravings and urges. Today I had oatmeal for breakfast. The "cinnamon roll" kind. Yum! I maybe crave oatmeal once a month, if that. But when the urge hits, nothing else will do.

Today, I feel like baking. Cupcakes, maybe? Some cowboy cookies? Pumpkin or banana bread? I think baking will have to happen here today.

today I feel like wearing thick socks and spending more time than usual with the quilt on our couch.

Today I am playing my "winter" playlist on iTunes...

Yes, today has a unique feel to it, even if it's not officially a "snow day" for Noah and I. (And part of me keeps hoping UMSL will just decide to send Joe home, so we can really party... :) A girl can dream, right?)

Yesterday, Noah had his buddy Callum over for some hard core play time.... Thought I'd just share a few from the day:


Yummy lunch, eh? The star-shaped PBJs were a hit.Noah ate all his broccoli. Callum did not. I forgive him. Broccoli is weird for kiddos.


Noah requested some custom art. I, of course, complied:


And the boys, together:


I think we ALL needed this playdate... Noah and Callum needed some "boy time" to get their energy out, I needed Noah to not be at my elbow all morning, and Callum's mama needed some "her time". It was WIN-WIN-WIN-WIN situation!


Okay, Snow Day. It's 8:56am. Oatmeal is eaten. Blog is done. We're on song #10 of the winter playlist. What's next?

Probably cookies. Or maybe sewing. Or PlayDoh. Off to go find out...


  1. Callum is a doll baby!!!! Love the star shaped sandwiches...amazing these kiddos will eat something if it is shaped differently as opposed to a slice of bread :)

  2. Jealous of your "snow day" fun- it looks like an awesome day! What did you end up baking? All of the above? Love the pictures of Noah and Callum! So adorable, both those boys! :)

  3. Great post! Send these cutie pics my way!! :)

  4. Cal and I were just looking for Noah pics and saw these again. I want them for sure! Thrown them on the CD with my jewelry images if you don't mind. Our boys are so cute!!


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